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English Alphabetic Code with the International Phonetic AlphabetThe English language has a fascinaring hisrory-but this has resulted in a complex alphabetic code for the writing system whereby the 26 letters of the alphabet1.one sound (phoneme)can be represented by one,two,three or four lerters:e.g.lal a in apple,Iff ph in photograph,ligh/igh in night,loal ough in dough3.one grapheme (letter or letter group)can represent mulriple sounds:e.g.'ough':/oa/though,for/thought,long loo/through,lou/plough,/u/thoroughOn this Alphabetic Code Chart,the units of sound(phonemes or combined phonemes)are shown in slash marks.Vowel sounds are shown in red and consonant soundsare shown in blue.The vowel sounds provide the main volume and depth in spoken words whereas the consonant sounds are generally much quieter and sometimes veryhighpitched such as /s/and/t/.Teachers need to teach the separate units of sounds carefully,avoiding the added 'schwa'or "uh"sound:e.g."sss"not "suh";"t"not "tuh".units of soundsimple codecomplex codegraphemes or spelling alternatives+IPA symbolskey words+key wordswhich are code for the soundslalaThe Synthetic PhonicslaelTeaching PrinciplesappleleleeaaiTeach the KNOWLEDGE of theeggheadsaid againletter/s-sound corresponde nces.Teach the THREE CORE SKILLS:insectcymbals1.DECODING:Sound out andblend all-through-the-printed-wordwaquafor reading unknown words.octopuswatchqualifysalt2.ENCODING:Orally segmentouINough(identify)the sounds all-through-the-spoken-word for spelling:then selectumbrellasonno thorough时arelailFOR the identified sounds in thataiayaeaeparticular word.first aidtraytablesundaeca3.HANDWRITING:Hold theeyeaeighaighcorrectly the 26 upper case and 26preybreakeightstraightlower case letters on writing lines.