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Term 2下学期WEEK NINE第周第9周WEEK NINEMonday阅读下面的短文,选择正确答案。Track 41A mother and her young son get into a bus and sit down.The busconductor comes to them for their tickets.The mother gives hertwenty pounds and says,"I want one ticket to London."The conductor looks at the small boy for a moment and thensays to him.“How old are you?”The mother begins speaking,but the conductor stops her,and theboy says,"I'm four years old at home,and two and a half in buses ortrains.”The mother takes ten pounds out of her bag and gives it to theconductor.She gives her one and a half tickets.conductor/kan'dakta/n.售票员:The conductor sells tickets on the bus.这名售票员在这趟公交车上售票。1A mother and her son go to LondonA.on footB.by shipC.by busD.by bike②Why does the bus conductor come to them?A.She comes to ask them to buy tickets.B.She wants to find seats for them.C.She wants to see her son.052D.She wants to let them out.